
Peter has worked in public accounting since 2008. He specializes in federal and state R&D tax credit incentives. Peter has extensive experience in mechanical and high-tech industries, including: aerospace, defense, space-tech, automotive, manufacturing, and hardware and software development. Peter has degrees in both engineering and accounting. Prior to joining Moss Adams, Peter spent a number of years performing R&D tax credit studies at a Big Four firm.

Selected Speaking Engagements

  • A Generous State: Claiming Arizona's R&D Tax Credit
    (Moss Adams Webcast, November 2018)
  • The Place to Be for R&D; Claiming Arizona’s R&D Tax Credit
    (Moss Adams webcast, November 2014)
  • R&D Tax Credits for More Profitable Manufacturing
    (Moss Adams webcast, August 2014)

Professional Affiliations

  • Committee Member, Aerospace & Defense Forum Steering
  • Member, Northwest Marine Trade Association


  • BA, accounting, Western Washington University
  • BS, engineering technology and industrial technology, Western Washington University

Insights from Peter Henderson